biobox.yaml Validator
Biobox authors should check the input data provided by the user is valid before starting. This will prevent unexpected program behaviour or errors halfway through a multi-step pipeline. Any errors should be reported back to the user with a clear message so they can be understood and fixed.
The bioboxes project provides the command line tool validate-biobox-file
to help
test the input YAML file given to a biobox. This tool with test the YAML
and return a non-zero exit code and error message if the biobox data is not
correct. If identified, this error message should be returned to the user, and
then the biobox should exit. The command line interface for this tool is:
validate-biobox-file --schema=schema.yml --input=input.yml
Example install
The tool validate-biobox-file
can be installed in your Docker image by
downloading and unpacking. An example is to fetch the latest major version
release and decompress it into the directory /biobox-validator
RUN mkdir /biobox-validator
RUN wget \
--quiet \
--output-document -\
${BASE_URL}/${VERSION}/validate-biobox-file.tar.xz \
| tar xJf - \
--directory /biobox-validator \
Example usage
The tools should be used at the start of a script to ensure the data passed by the user is correct. One way to do this is with a bash script that exits when a non-zero exit code is generated.
set -o errexit
/biobox-validator/validate-biobox-file \
--schema=schema.yml \